Special Instructions:
If You Have Not Done Your FlipGrid... Do It...
This Why We Cant Have Nice Things - I'm not happy. So... Here is what I want you to do... EVERYONE, Record a video explaining the proper way to use a glue gun. Then privately, in a private email or txt, if this was you, tell me what you were thinking and if this was an accident... I can't imagine it was, but in case it was I want to know what your thought process was. If I was your boss, and this kind of thing happened, I would want to know who did it so we could have a chat...
Best Guess at measuring this Competition Field (20 Min)
- LAB - Duration: 20 Min
- Please watch these videos of the Skills USA competition field. In your notebooks, please draw a 3D scale drawing. The also draw about each part and label the measurements. You can do this as a team of 2, but each of you need to Draw it in your note book. Answer questions like:
- how wide is the ramp - You have examples of a vex robot in class, so you can measure how wide it is, and thus estimate how wide the ramp is, based on what it looks like.
- How Tall is the ramp?
- How Long is the ramp?
- How Long is the top of the platform?
- How big is the house in the middle?
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQDfv3GApeQ
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqzNTdflhKk (jump to 13.43 to see the first robot)
- Why am I having you o this? Because in the next 2 weeks we are going to build a filed like this... The best 3 drawings will get to pick from the bin of Happiness... and I'm bringing a little swag home from the conference...
- LAB - Duration: 60 - 120 Min
- Link: Robot Club Google Sites
- Instructions & Expectations: Connect with your Robot Club Team. You will either be working on your Robot Project or an Open Lab Project.
- SkillsUSA Teams - Work on Robots
- You will need to account for your time. You will need to convince me by your form submission that you worked given the time allotted.
- If you or your Robot Club Team worked on the Robot Club project, you will make sure your Robot Project Status Google docs are updated.
- If you worked on an Open Lab Project, you will also need to tell me about what you accomplished and what you are planning next.
- How to Submit Assignment: Each Student needs to account for your time.
- Every One Do The Following: Turn in an Open Lab Blog Post
- If you also worked on your Robot Club Project, also UPDATE your Robot Project Status Google docs.
- Dig Deeper: Open Lab:
- Robot Club Google Sites
- Printers - Work on taking the printers apart
- TinkerCAD
- Udemy - My Courses (specifically the Arduino Workshop and Electronics Engineering Technology class)
- Assignment - Duration: 2-10 Min
- Instructions & Expectations: Desk cleanup, put away all projects, find your assigned job
- How to Submit Assignment: When Complete, check yourself off on Sign Out Sheet - 2 Points
Helpful Links
- TinkerCAD
- Instructables - Make Something
- Udemy - My Courses (specifically the Arduino Workshop and Electronics Engineering Technology class)
- FlipGrid
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