Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, December 6 2019 - Do some Measurements, and then Open Lab

Mechatronics Engineering Google Site
Special Instructions:

If You Have Not Done Your FlipGrid... Do It...

This Why We Cant Have Nice Things - I'm not happy.  So... Here is what I want you to do... EVERYONE, Record a video explaining the proper way to use a glue gun.  Then privately, in a private email or txt, if this was you, tell me what you were thinking and if this was an accident... I can't imagine it was, but in case it was I want to know what your thought process was. If I was your boss, and this kind of thing happened, I would want to know who did it so we could have a chat...

Best Guess at measuring this Competition Field (20 Min)
  • LAB - Duration: 20 Min
  • Please watch these videos of the Skills USA competition field.  In your notebooks, please draw a 3D scale drawing.  The also draw about each part and label the measurements. You can do this as a team of 2, but each of you need to Draw it in your note book. Answer questions like:
    1. how wide is the ramp - You have examples of a vex robot in class, so you can  measure how wide it is, and thus estimate how wide the ramp is, based on what it looks like.
    2. How Tall is the ramp?
    3. How Long is the ramp?
    4. How Long is the top of the platform?
    5. How big is the house in the middle?
  • (jump to 13.43 to see the first robot) 
  • Why am I having you o this? Because in the next 2 weeks we are going to build a filed like this...  The best 3 drawings will get to pick from the bin of Happiness... and I'm bringing  a little swag home from the conference...
Open LAB  and/or Robot Club - Yes You Need To Do A BLOG
  • LAB - Duration: 60 - 120 Min
  • Link: Robot Club Google Sites
  • Instructions & Expectations: Connect with your Robot Club Team.  You will either be working on your Robot Project or an Open Lab Project.  
    • SkillsUSA Teams - Work on Robots
    • You will need to account for your time. You will need to convince me by your form submission that you worked given the time allotted. 
    • If  you or your Robot Club Team worked on the Robot Club project, you will make sure your Robot Project Status Google docs are updated.  
    • If you worked on an Open Lab Project, you will also need to tell me about what you accomplished and what you are planning next.
  • How to Submit Assignment:   Each Student needs to account for your time.  
  • Dig Deeper: Open Lab:
Clean Up
  • Assignment - Duration: 2-10 Min
  • Instructions & Expectations: Desk cleanup, put away all projects, find your assigned job
  • How to Submit Assignment: When Complete, check yourself off on Sign Out Sheet - 2 Points

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