- Assignment - Duration: 15 Min
- Link: Why do we like robots more when they mess up?
- Instructions & Expectations: Watch the short video at the top of this link... NOT the TED talk, just the short video at the top of the page. Then read the article and think about the following questions. If you look closely at the video, I honestly think the robot was acting the fool on purpose... just to trick us into complacency...
- After Watching the Video, do you think the robot was trolling us, and was making a mistake on purpose?
- Do we like robots better when they make mistakes? Why?
- Should robots be allowed to make mistakes or fail? Why or why not?
- How to Submit Assignment: Go to your Google Classroom and answer the question - 100 Points
- Dig Deeper: - Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors | Marc Raibert
- EXTRA Credit: First Student find the Answer - If you can find out from the Interweb why the Udemy search is not showing the free classes. If you can find information on this I;ll give you 20 points extra credit... if you can find instructions on how to solve the issue, and it works I'll give you 80 more points.- Turn in an Open Lab Blog Post
Mechatronics Engineering Plan For Today:
- Entry Ticket
- Let's Talk about Stuff That Is DUE
- Monday - FLUKE DMM training class. It's about 2 hours of video training
- AC-DC Electronics - Series Circuits
- Open Lab - Robot Club
- Clean Up
AC-DC Electronics
- LAB - Duration: 40 Min
- Link: DC Series Circuits
- Link: Digital Multi Meters
- Link: Ohm's Law
- Instructions & Expectations: Listen to the lecture, and review slide link. Learn to use a DMM, Measure Resistors, calculate using Ohm's Law
- How to Submit Assignment: Capture Measured Data in your lab books
- Dig Deeper: Open Lab:
FLEX Factor
- LAB - Duration: 15 Min
- Link: FlexFactor
- Instructions & Expectations: Get in your Team and start to Brain Storm
- The key to brainstorming is to get as many idea down as fast as possible. Don’t spend any time debating if it’s a good idea or not. Don’t start discussing a specific idea, even if it’s really cool…
- List Ideas:
- Create a Shared Google Doc
- List your ideas in the shared Google Doc
- … Spent 15 min just talking about Ideas
- Without any judgment… just write them down
- Come up with 10+ ideas
- How to Submit Assignment: Go to your Google Classroom and copy and paste the list your team created and turn it in - 100 Points
- Teams
- Team # 1
- Ali Adem
- Connor Guzikowski
- Trey Phillips
- Kylie Townsend
- Team #2
- Connor Agu
- Christopher Hernandez
- Jazmin Ruiz
- Brandon Smith
- Team #3
- Dylan Ang
- Hazekiah Jackson
- Austin Latour
- Rikzin Schultens
- Sean Wainzinger
- Team #4
- Stephanie Tran
- Karson Chu
- Nathanielle Peralta
- Diego Zamora
- Team #5
- Michelle Dao
- Ivan Perez Torres
- Theodore Taylor
- Julian Zaragoza
- LAB - Duration: 20 Min
- Link: Robot Club Google Sites
- Instructions & Expectations: Connect with your Robot Club Team. You will either be working on your Robot Project or an Open Lab Project.
- You will need to account for your time. You will need to convince me by your form submission that you worked given the time allotted.
- You worked on an Open Lab Project, So you will also need to tell me about what you accomplished and what you are planning next.
- How to Submit Assignment: Each Student needs to account for your time.
- Every One Do The Following: Turn in an Open Lab Blog Post
- Dig Deeper: Open Lab:
- Robot Club Google Sites
- Printers - Work on taking the printers apart
- TinkerCAD
- Instructables -
- Udemy - My Courses (specifically the Arduino Workshop and Electronics Engineering Technology class)
- Assignment - Duration: 2-10 Min
- Instructions & Expectations: Desk cleanup, put away all projects, find your assigned job
- How to Submit Assignment: When Complete, check yourself off on Sign Out Sheet - 10 Points
Helpful Links
- TinkerCAD
- Instructables - Make Something
- Udemy - My Courses (specifically the Arduino Workshop and Electronics Engineering Technology class)
- FlipGrid
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